My home today

Today it was quite cold and my daughter in the pram slept longer than usual... That is why we get to the river bank at twilight. Maybe, his is not really cool shot, but I can not keep it offline :-)

Dneska večer byla celkem kosa a dcera v kočárku spala déle, nž obvykle. A tak jsem zvolil alternativní procházkovou trasu kolem Labe, kde nastala tahle světelná atmosféra... Foceno na koleni, Sony Nex 6 (teď se zžíváme) na kapesním gorillapodu. Jasně, není to asižádná pecka, ale nejde mi to se nepodělit :-)


Pelican snapshot

This is just a snapshot taken with my 300/2.8 handheld in the car while driving in the Zoological garden in Dvur Kralove (Czech Republic).


Lake Baikal in new design on Fotopedia Reporter! :-)

Fotopedia Reporter výrazně aktualizovala design, zejména s ohledem na zeměpisné umístění fotek. A tak fíčurovali výběry těch nejpopulárnějších stories, a já mám moc velkou radost, že náš Bajkal je mezi nima :-) Už ho vidělo přes 83 tisíc lidí! :-)

Fotopedia Reporter substantially updated (and made it much better) design, especially according to geographic position of the shots used for their stories. I am really happy to see our story "Lake Baikal" to be among the most popular ones - it was seen by more than 83k people! Enjoy! :-) 

'Pick of the Month' for Member Edits

This month's 'Pick of the Month' for Member Edits is "Year of my life with GoPro Hero", submitted by Petr from Czech Republic. AWESOME edit, buddy! You make my life look boring, which isn't easy to do .

Keep on living life to the fullest, Petr...


Today genius

Génius pro dnešní den - prof. Ing. Zdeněk Strakoš, DrSc. Další z neskutečně sympatických lidí (bez ironie), co umí leccos, ale nepotřebují do ostatních hned tlačit. Zachycen je během vedení semináře - zhruba po čtvrthodině jsem se ubezpečil, že přednáší skutečně o matematice :-)

New member of my "genii gallery" - prof. Ing. Zdeněk Strakoš, DrSc.. In the middle of the talk I became sure, that this is still real mathematics...



Right time now to remember the summer moments at the sea shore :-)


Forgotten Siberia

Time to time I have to look inside my old archives. Often I found there shots I completely forgot I have ever taken :-)


New shots from Croatia

We were in Brač again, so I took my quad with us. Have a look, how beautiful the seashore is from the air! :-)