This is exactly the moment, when despite being in hurry I had to stop the car, step out and shoot!
I met the frog today...
My daughter show AFO WALK... :-)
Ultrafast continuous shooting of Sony Nex allows me to understand, how my daughter really moves. Shoot during AFO 2014 in Olomouc. Music: Exist Strategy (Small).
Olomouc morning
Today morning in the Olomouc :-)
Takovéhle bylo dnes ráno v Olomouci :-)
Sunday auto portrait on the best remote place I know...
Standing on the sand rocks of Mariina vyhlídka in Bohemian Switzerland, facing the wind and hoping, that the drone will land again in just one piece... :-)
Výběr videí pro Přírodovědný fotoklub
Jako náhradní program Přírodovědného fotoklubu (nemoc přednášejícího) jsem promítal pár svých oblíbených videí z moří internetu. Tady jsou! :-) Je to nesourodý výběr, ale to přeci nevadí.... ;-)
My shot on the cover of new mix album of Switzerland DJ DRIVEN
Take a seat... It's time to relax, lean back and close your eyes. Breathe in, breathe out...Calm and easy This Deep Drum and Bass mix is loaded with tunes, that help you shift it down a bit. That is what DJ Driven says about his new mix, and it is truth ;-) Enjoy!
The noon time
ober the valley around the Berounka river, one of the most awesome Czech locations :-)
I am so proud today!
This is my daughter. Slightly over one year old, but fully interested in photography! :-)
DNA nevokecáš. Sem hrdej! :-)
Snake under microscope...
Having a fun rught now with a snake skin under fluorescent stereomicroscope - nikon SZM 25 :-)
Právě pořízený pracovní záběr svlečky hroznýšovce, který vznikl v rámci našeho Semináře vědecké fotografie To modré je autofluroscence.