Absolutely, absolutely stunning time in country of love!
Naprosto úžasný den v krajině, kterou miluji, aneb 24 hodin v Českém Švýcarsku s našimi studenty. Koukněte ;-)
Absolutely, absolutely stunning time in country of love!
Naprosto úžasný den v krajině, kterou miluji, aneb 24 hodin v Českém Švýcarsku s našimi studenty. Koukněte ;-)
Folks, it is just three years I bought my first GoPro - it was the newest model that time, Hero 2 (thank you Fipa!). Heh, I would never believe that such small crazy box can influence my life. Even more, to be better! I keep it with me all the time, despite if it is Hero 2, 3 or 4 - all of them make me to open eyes and see. At least, I try to see... This is just my personal "showreel" of my free time noncommercial activities I experienced with these small cameras since 2011 fall. Enjoy!
This is the most remote place I have ever touched. Being in Siberia, three hours paddling, four hours of walking with the boat on the back, and three days of paddling to the small village inhabited by few guys... No GSM signal, just friends!
Znáte cestovatelský časopis TravelFocus? Dnes vyšlo nové číslo, kde se mnou vyšel rozhovor a taky nějaký to počtení o Kubě :-)
I get the question, if it would be possible to take shots of some plant seeds, from the Botanical garden in Dresden. Why not? ;-)
I had really great time in Africa, mostly thanks to Vojta and Jan! It was a wonderful time, hopefully you will like some of the shots :-) There just first three of them :-)
If these falls were found in Europe, you would see the roads, hotels and other infrastructure everywhere around. However, these are in the middle of Northern Uganda, region with very scarce touristic traffic. Love to had a chance to fly over and swim there!!! :-)
Kdyby takovéhle vodopády ležely v Evropě anebo Americe, byly by obklopeny hotely, infrastrukturou a vedly by přes ně mosty se zaručeně nejlepším výhledem. Kdyby ležely v jiné, více turistické části Afriky, vedla by k nim alespoň asfaltka a na vrchu by stála budka s borcem, který by vybíral vstupné. Jenomže tohle jsou Aruu Falls, obří vodopády ležící uprostřed severougandského pralesa, kam turista zavítá tak často, jako složenka do naší schránky (občas ano, ale po každé na ní vírám jakoby byla z Marsu). Vrátili jsme se tam celkem třikrát a prožili jsme tam mnoho dobrodružství. Již brzy na Vašich monitorech!
The Javan lutung (Trachypithecus auratus) shot in Zoo Dvur Kralove nad Labem (Czech Republic). This one of my most favorite monkeys so I decided to make capture despite the fact it was almost dark there,,,